This is getting closer and closer to finished. On my computer, this is pretty jumpy, the Boids tend to jump from place to place. Right now, I'm working without the use of tweens, so hopefully adding those in will smooth out some of the jitters.
Through Friday, I had tried getting several different inheritance patterns working in Flash. I had intended the Main file to extend PaperBase, and import the Flock, the Camera, and the Sound classes that I was writing separately. While this may for for the Camera and Sound objects, it was not going well for the Flock. Making Flock inherit from Sprite worked fine as long as I was working with 2D sprites for the flock, but it doesn't work when using 3D Collada objects, as I expected. However, making Flock inherit from DisplayObject3D just wouldn't work. My guess is that it should, and if I had more time I might go through and try it again just to find what I screwed up, but for now, I moved EVERYTHING into the Main class. All the work I did Wednesday ~ Friday cleaning up the code made it easier, but I still feel that I wasted time cleaning it up.
Also added a timer that delays the start of the flash movie, currently it only delays it for 1 second, which you won't notice with the load time of both the movie and the objects. Later, though, this will allow the movie to auto calibrate it's camera to the display screen, meaning less chance of randomizing the Boid's goal point should the camera get knocked around. It will also give the piece a bit of time to load and set up the sound.
Next on the list, make the Boids swim further away if the mouse isn't moved. Currently I have their vertical distance bounded, as they have this bad tendency to either swim very far back or up 'through' the camera. While they have wings, I do not think they are that kind of Flying Fish.
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